11/09/2024 - 17/11/2024


Is it possible for technology to be an integral part of our consciousness? According to Andy Clark and David Chalmers, technological devices constitute an extension beyond our bodies and expand our cognitive and creative capacities. In the vast landscape of the mind, the boundaries are not as sharp as we might think. Consciousness, the spark that makes us human, is not limited to the skull or the brain synapse. Instead, it extends beyond us, merging with the tools we create, the objects and worlds we inhabit. The latter also emerge from the mind and become tangible from our innermost imaginary in a vast network of narratives that traverse our society; death, climate change, history… On an almost inhuman scale we immerse ourselves in realities that we explain, but are limited to understanding only from their consequences. Massively distributed, they cannot be touched or seen directly, but they have a real presence and impact on our perception of the world. Art, in this framework, not only represents or symbolizes; it creates connections and reveals the interactions between humans and non-humans, between culture and nature, and between the visible and the invisible.

To glimpse what these relationships mean, the Círculo de Bellas Artes in collaboration with the current NewArt {collection;} hosts a careful selection of expanded devices that frame grand narratives of our time.

The exhibition HiperObjetos; presents a journey that emerges from the most decisive artists of the New Media, Generative and Computational Art. An exhibition that presents contemporary creation in the era of the transistor, the internet and artificial intelligence merging to open the way to the future, to the quantum paradigms to be dreamed. The historic cultural center brings together a large selection of classic and recently created works of the NewArt {collection}, transgressor agent and witness of our times, and one of the most relevant collections of electronic and digital art in the world, and immerses us in the poetics of cybernetics with works by Peter Weibel, Alba Corral, Daniel Canogar, Ken Matsubara, Marina Núñez o Felicie D’Etienne. Hyperobjects that take shape from the unlimited poetics of Technological Art.

With works by: Peter Weibel, Alba G. Corral, Daniel Canogar, Ken Matsubara, Marina Núñez, Felicie d’Edtienne d’Orves, Óscar Martín, LIA, Marie-France Veyrat, Ana Carreras, Peter Halley, Eric Vernhes, Charles Sandison, Eduardo Kac, Hong SungChulJoan Fontcuberta, Pilar Rosado, Christa Sommerer, Laurent Mignonneau, Keith, Armstrong, Jaime de los Rios, Ulrich Muchenberger, Mariano Sardón y Mariano Sigman.


5,5 € Normal ticket
4 € Reduced ticket
0 €  CBA members

Opening hours

Tuesday to Sunday

Monday closed