Casa Europa
For years the Círculo de Bellas Artes has served as Casa Europa in Madrid. It has become an internationally recognized forum for reflection and debate from and for European civil society. The Círculo not only sponsors an intense discussion on key issues of the European construction, but it makes these issues go beyond the academic or political sphere and penetrate civil society.
European Alliance of Academies
The safe place that culture must represent transcends borders, and its defense is the pillar on which the European Alliance of Academies is based. The Circle, Casa Europa, has been part of this alliance since its foundation, in 2020, and since then there have been numerous meetings between the seventy European cultural institutions that comprise it. During this time this network has strengthened its role as a watchdog, denouncing the numerous threats to the freedom of artistic creation that occur in some countries of our continent.

Just Started to Listen performed during Artistic Freedom. A core Element of the European Project. Photo: Gergely Oláh
Since 2020 the Círculo de Bellas Artes has actively participated in different projects financed with EU funds (Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe). One of the most relevant European projects is FAILURE: Reversing the Genealogies of Unsuccess 16th and 19th Centuries, which brings together universities and institutions from Europe and America and offers an innovative vision of failure with an interdisciplinary and transnational perspective.
More than 150 researchers from ten countries are part of FAILURE, and through their stays and research they create strong ties between the participating institutions, generating fruitful cultural and academic exchanges that will last beyond the duration of the project.
The Círculo, as Casa Europa and member of the European Alliance of Academies, does not wish to fail to contribute its experience when reflecting on the future of a modern Europe committed to the values that will strengthen common freedom and prosperity.
Nevertheless, the international outlook coexists in the institution hand in hand with proximity. Our intention is to bring down to earth, in close collaboration with grassroots associations and groups, many of the ideas, proposals and creations that are at the heart of our cultural policy.
Convinced that the old motto of thinking globally and acting locally is more relevant than ever, we seek to strengthen ties with neighborhood communities and educational centers in the downtown area, as well as with groups and organizations that work every day to make Madrid a better place through their work in the fields of the environment, gender or the LGTBI+ perspective, among others.