Jazz Círculo

Temporada 2024-25

Like every year, we will be able to enjoy again the best jazz from October to March with great national and international figures. The season will open by the trio led by the Korean Song Ah, along with her colleagues from Cyprus and England; all of them studied at the Berklee College of music in Boston and at the master's degree at the Berkley campus in Valencia, from where they Will visit us. Her presence will be supported by the Cape Verdean artist Carmen Souza, considered the heiress of Cesária Évora, who will present her album “Port d'Inglês”. Souza, a reference of Cape Verdean music, has created her own style, making her presence clear on the international music scene.

We will also host the duo formed by Chano Domínguez and Antonio Lizana, who will present a concert between jazz and flamenco; following the same line will be the concert of Matthieu Saglio and his project Amura accompanied by Isabel Julve and José el Pirú. Daniel García Trío, one of the most original and influential voices of the new generation of Spanish jazz, will also present an album and, as part of our commitment to the future and innovation, we will have grabu, a young creator with a very interesting projection. We will also enjoy the good work of Andreas Prittwitz Quintet.

As in previous seasons, after each concert, we will continue to savor the Afterjazz.